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Jelurida Weekly Wins

18 April 2022


New Ardor Library with tools for Java Developers!

We are glad to announce that Jelurida now maintains a repository with Ardor Java libraries, tests framework, configuration files and Gradle scripts, which can be included as git submodule and used in contract repositories or other projects which depend on Ardor. Check the new Ardor Library with tools for Java Developers!

Jelurida supports the Ardor.World crowdfunding campaign to launch is a new Ignis-based digital asset NFT Marketplace, and Jelurida is glad to support the crowdfunding campaign of Ardor.World by matching every week the donated amount until the goal of 1M IGNIS is reached. The project, still under development, has a set of features, such as profit sharing for collectors, which motivates them to promote NFT artists. Users will have the opportunity to create NFT digital assets on Ignis, put them in the catalog for sale and review, buy NFT digital assets, view their collection, see the rating of all authors on the Ignis child chain, and add NFT digital assets from other platforms to the catalog. The crowdfunding campaign will last until May 30, 2022. To support the project, find all details here. Together we can make the Ardor ecosystem even greater!

What is Ardor? Watch the English/Japanese video

Jelurida, in collaboration with CoinPost, the Japanese crypto media, and ConnecTV, just released this video for the Japanese community to learn more about Ardor blockchain, the background and history, Ardor’s unique features, its ecosystem, and how to get started with Ardor. Watch the English/Japanese video!

Alberto mentioned in Forbes Spanish printed article

The Metaverse now draws a future of unlimited immersive opportunities, but all that glitters is not gold. In this regard, Alberto Fernandez, professor at the IEB blockchain specialized program and business developer at Jelurida, analyses the Metaverse challenges and opportunities, as mentioned in this Spanish printed article by Forbes. He considers that the opportunities will come in two ways: through the creation of applications, services and infrastructure and, on the other hand, as investments of NFTs and tokens of the Metaverse economy. However, the Metaverse ecosystem entails ethical, privacy, governance and regulatory risks. Who sets the rules and governance in virtual worlds? Making these virtual worlds globally accessible raises the issues that can occur in different jurisdictions, with their own rules for trading and financial transactions.

Ardor, the Play-to-Earn Blockchain Platform in Chinese media

The Play-to-Earn model has been booming in the blockchain gaming industry for players to earn rewards and incentives while playing. However, developers are now exploring the Play-to-Own opportunities, boosting the game’s appeal to non-crypto audiences based on value creation and value distribution. Players need a solid gaming experience and engaging content to earn more, and developers can also build open economies to create self-sustaining blockchain games. Ardor blockchain has been covered in this Chinese media article as the blockchain-as-a-service solution for developers leveraging the decentralized ecosystem, that is now moving to the Play-to-Own model. One example is Mythical Beings, a P2E card collection game on Ardor blockchain.

The Weekly Wins videos come to you thanks to community member Madfox!